Deciding where to apply to college nowadays takes a lot of research. Like a lot.
In an attempt to decrease the number of college applications I had to write, I began compiling a spreadsheet of relevant statistics of colleges that interested me. I would navigate to a college's page on U.S. News, look at four or so data points on each page, and record them into my spreadsheet.
But about a quarter of the way into recording facts and numbers of faraway institutions into my trusty spreadsheet, I had a pivotal realization: I could use code to automate the whole process AND manage to procrastinate from the college process at the same time. It was great.
An hour and a half later, the program was complete. Could I have entered the statistics by hand and saved like forty minutes of work? Maybe. But I still see it as a successful project. After all, it managed to keep my mind off the stress of the college process for a few hours, and I see that as a win.
Take a look at the code here.